Collectors Armoury California
5405 Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City, California, 90230
310 391 6233

Cased Set Of English Flintlock Dueling Pistols By Palmer

Manufacturer:William Palmer, Kent
Country of Origin:England
Barrel Length:8 3/8" (approx.)
*Condition:Excellent (please refer to photographs)
Stock No:000888

A Fine And Most Attractive Cased Set Of English Flintlock Dueling Pistols By Palmer (William, Rochester, Kent 1797). 8 and 3/8th inch browned octagonal barrels with swamped muzzles. 50 caliber smoothbore. 

These are genuine dueling pistols and not officer’s pistols. The barrels are plain but the casehardened patent breeches have deeply sunken gold lined poincons with “Palmer” in relief and further enhanced with a gold line. Gold lined touch-holes. Engraved , stepped bolted locks of the best quality engraved signature in a flourish “Palmer” push on safeties. Blued trigger guards with pineapple finials.

Figured walnut full stocks finely checkered butts with panel. Wedge barrel keys. Both pistols retain their original rammers one horn tipped and the other steel tipped. Barrels retain 90% of what appears to be original brown. Locks with darkened original casehardening have all original small parts, and finely engraved cock screws. Pistols are cased in an original mahogany case with bullet mold, oil bottle, mahogany cleaning rod and a fine ‘3 way’ powder flask retaining most original lacquered copper and 60% original bright gilding on spout and mechanism. Case itself is fine the lining superbly renewed.

Actions are perfect on both half and full cock. The form of these duelers is particularly elegant. Condition, quality, and form combine to make this late 18th century cased set of duelers a collector’s delight. Compare to other dull, poor condition sets in ill fitting boxes priced much higher.

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